Der persönliche Saisonrückblick von Denise Beliveau

Das Gesamtpaket stimmt. So oder so ähnlich müsste die Beschreibung für Denise Beliveau lauten. In durchschnittlich 33 Minuten Spielzeit klaute sie der Gegnerin 2,2 Mal den Ball, netzte 16,2 Punkte ein und griff sich 8,6 Rebounds. Absolute Top-Werte in der DBBL, die nicht nur die Rhein-Main Baskets, sondern auch die Fans und Zuschauer freute.

In Ihrem persönlichen Saisonrückblick nennt sie uns u. a. ihren MVP und erklärt uns, warum die Zuschauer ihren Teil zum diesjährigen Erfolg beigetragen haben.

>> Wenn ich die abgelaufene Saison und die Play-Offs in einem Satz beschreiben müsste, dann würde er wie folgt lauten …

>> If I had to describe the previous season and the play-offs in one sentence, I would say that:

Started from the bottom, now we’re here. And there is no where else id rather be.

>> Sponsoren sollten sich unbedingt und mehr denn je bei den Rhein-Main Baskets engagieren, da sie für ihr Geld …

>> The sponsors should definitely get more involved with the Rhein-Main Baskets, as they will get for their money:

The chance to Sponsor positive female role models and watch some great basketball.

>> Jeder Zuschauer, der zu den Play-Offs in der Halle war, muss nächste Saison unbedingt wieder kommen, weil …

>> Every spectator who attended the play-offs, should return next season, as

they were a big reason why were so successful in play-offs and it is an honor for us to play in front of them.

>> Das absolute Highlight in dieser Spielzeit war…

>>The absolute highlight this season was

beating Wasserburg on our home court in OT in front of an amazing crowd.

>> Mein persönlicher „MVP“ unserer Mannschaft war…

>> My personal „MVP“ in our team was

Anna-Lisa Rexroth. She was a quiet yet skilled player who played hard and contributed all season until suffering an injury right before play-offs. She tried her best to contriubte in play-offs despite bring in immense pain and is a great teammate who doesn’t get enough recognition for her toughness.

>> Den größten Entwicklungsschritt auf dem Platz und im Training hat die folgende Spielerin vollzogen …

>> The player who made the biggest progress on the track and in training is

Pia D. She is a young player who really learned a lot this year and had to Step up in a big way.

>> Meinen Award für die beste Defense-Spielerin der Rhein-Main Baskets vergebe ich an…

>> My award for the best defensive player of the Rhein-Main Baskets goes to

Francis P. She was willing to sacrifice her body and take charges, had blocks and always communicated on the court to make sure our defense worked as one unit.

>> Offensive war in dieser Saison einfach kaum zu stoppen …

>> Our offensive who was unstoppable this season was

fueled by Alyssa Karel. Her dynamic style of play made it hard to stop her. She can drive, pull-up, shoot and male the extra pass. Great offensive player who always took the tough shot.

>> Unser Headcoach Steffen Brockmann und unsere Managerin Silke Dietrich haben …

>> Our head coach Steffen and our manager Silke Dietrich have

supported us throughout the whole season when others did not.

>> Unsere größte Stärke in der abgelaufen Saison war …

>> Our greatest strength this last season was

our teamwork and determination. Especially in play-offs we became a true team and played like that.

>> Wenn mir ein Sponsor zweckgebunden für die Rhein-Main Baskets 1.000.000 € schenken würde, dann würde ich damit folgendes machen …

>> If I’d receive 1,000,000 € as a donation for the Rhein-Main Baskets, I would do following

Distribute it amongst the players and coach and for gear so we can look more like a team and allow us to do more community outreach programs for kids in the community.


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