Wenn es einen MVP bei den Rhein-Main Baskets neben dem reinen Kollektiv gab, dann war es Alyssa Karel. Sie wurde nicht nur von ihren Mitspielerinnen auf den imaginären Thron der besten Spielerin gehoben, sondern unterstrich dies auch durch exzellente Werte in der abgelaufenen Saison.
Sie war in allen 32 Partien am Start, stand durchschnittlich 33 Minuten auf dem Court, markierte 16,1 Punkte, 2,3 Assists, 2,1 Steals, griff sich 4,6 Rebounds und verwandelt 50% ihrer Nah- und Mitteldistanzwürfe. Werte, die sie neben ihrem unbeschreiblichen „Jump shot“ zur „wertvollsten Spielerin“ der Baskets in der zurückliegenden Saison machen. Was Alyssa selbst über die geniale Saison 2012/2013 zu sagen hat, lest ihr in ihrem persönlichen Saisonrückblick:
>> Wenn ich die abgelaufene Saison und die Play-Offs in einem Satz beschreiben müsste, dann würde er wie folgt lauten …
>> If I had to describe the previous season and the play-offs in one sentence, I would say that …
The season was a huge success despite many setbacks, we achieved more than anyone thought possible.
>> Sponsoren sollten sich unbedingt und mehr denn je bei den Rhein-Main Baskets engagieren, da sie für ihr Geld …
>> The sponsors should definitely get more involved with the Rhein-Main Baskets, as they will get for their money
More great entertainment for the Langen Community. By the end of the season everyone who came to any game enjoyed themselves thoroughly, with more sponsor involvement, it will help the team compete at the highest level possible.
>> Jeder Zuschauer, der zu den Play-Offs in der Halle war, muss nächste Saison unbedingt wieder kommen, weil …
>>Every spectator who attended the play-offs, should return next season, as
The energy and passion the fans brought to the gym made it an unforgettable environment. Plus fan can watch more great and entertaning basketball!
>> An diese Partie erinnere ich mich ganz besonders …, da …
>> I remember this game in particular, because….
The second finale game against Wasserburg at the gym in Langen because the energy in the gym was unbelievable. The fans were so involved and supportive and it helped us to play a great game. And it was our only win against them in the finale series.
>> Das absolute Highlight in dieser Spielzeit war…
>> The absolute highlight this season was
The playoffs as a whole because we really came together as a team and accomplished something that not many people thought possible.
>> Mein persönlicher „MVP“ unserer Mannschaft war…
>> My personal „MVP“ in our team was
Denise, she played solid and consistent the entire season and stepped up big when we needed her to.
>> Den größten Entwicklungsschritt auf dem Platz und im Training hat die folgende Spielerin vollzogen …
>> The player who made the biggest progress on the track and in training is
Pia, she improved so this year. She matured as a player and made big plays the second half of the season that really showed how she grew.
>> Meinen Award für die beste Defense-Spielerin der Rhein-Main Baskets vergebe ich an…
>> My award for the best defence player of the Rhein-Main Baskets goes to
Francis, she consistently talked on defense and did a great job matching up with big players. She worked hard and fought no matter the competition.
>> Offensive war in dieser Saison einfach kaum zu stoppen …
>> Our offensive who was unstoppable this season
Denise and Steffi.
>> Unser Headcoach Steffen Brockmann und unsere Managerin Silke Dietrich haben …
>> Our head coach Steffen and our manager Silke Dietrich have ……..
Done a great job creating a successful team and a successful environment with minimal resources. They helped the team accomplish things that no one thought possible this year.
>> Unsere größte Stärke in der abgelaufen Saison war …
>> Our greatest strength this last season was…..
Our committment to being a team. As individuals we are nothing spectacular but as a team we created something extraordinary and we were committed to staying a team win or lose.
>> Wenn mir ein Sponsor zweckgebunden für die Rhein-Main Baskets 1.000.000 € schenken würde, dann würde ich damit folgendes machen …
>>If I’d receive 1,000,000 € as a donation for the Rhein-Main Baskets, I would do following…
Renovate the gym so all the fans that are going to be coming to the games next season have a place to sit!!!